Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mount&blade Build A Fort

Eating with family ... but healthy children

study finds that eating with the family helps kids stay leaner and healthier. Researchers pooled data from 17 earlier studies and found that children who ate with their families on a regular basis were 24 percent more likely to eat healthy foods that children who rarely ate with their families. They were also less likely to suffer from eating disorders.

Parents can "really understand and identify with" the findings, published on 2 May edition of Pediatrics, said the study's lead author Amber Hammons, research associate postdoctoral fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "We wanted to study the contribution of families in the positive outcomes related to nutrition," said Hammons. "It is important that parents know what they can do, especially with obesity and eating habits, and the role they can play."

Through an Internet search in 2009, researchers at the Family Resiliency Center (Resource Center for the family) found college major studies involving about 183,000 children and adolescents between 3 and 17 years. The nutritional habits and weight of young people and if they had done something bad to control. Those who ate three or more times a week with their families were 12 percent less likely to be overweight than those who ate a little, or no time with their families, and 20 percent less likely to eat sweets, fried foods, soft drinks and other unhealthy foods.

eat together five or more times, reducing the likelihood of poor nutrition in 25 percent, according to a review of eight studies. Children who eat with their families also were 35 percent less likely to have an "eating disorder" to lose weight, such as bingeing, purging, taking diet pills or laxatives, vomiting, skipping meals and smoking.

participants were considered overweight if their body mass index (BMI) was less than 85 percentile, which means they were fatter than 85 percent of children their age. Eating two or more fruits and vegetables every day, and skip the soda, candy and fried foods were included as a measure of nutrition. Although the study suggests that eating together with family confers a benefit "protector" to children, the reasons are unclear. Some possibilities include the value of adult examples to follow and the intervention of adults before the misconduct become ill habits, the study said.

Other research has found that meals prepared at home were more nutritious, including more fruits and vegetables and less fat, sugar and soda.

"We know that meals prepared at home tend to be less heat," said Hammons. However, other factors such as communication during the meal could also contribute to the positive influence of family meals on health, said. "The future direction of research will not examine the amount of food but what makes the lunch is so important," he said.

Another expert, Connie Diekman, director of university nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis, said the study makes "a good description of what research shows in terms of the importance of family meals" on child health. However, he warned about their drawbacks.

"Some of the studies have limitations, including some variability in the collection of nutritional outcomes, diversity of ethnicity and sex, and how they rated the weight studies," Diekman said. But even with these obstacles, the study provides "strong evidence that family meals help to increase the intake of nutrients, weight control, and potentially prevent patterns of eating disorders," Diekman said.

Children may imitate parents, by other research. A survey by the American Association of Professionals in Nutrition (American Dietetic Association Foundation, ADA) found that children identified their parents as their number one role models and said that if their parents eating healthy foods, they also did, Diekman said.

authors of this study indicate that physicians should emphasize the value of family meals for patients who have eating disorders or obesity.

Amber Fuentes J. Hammons, Ph.D., postdoctoral research associate, Family Resiliency Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Connie Diekman, director of university nutrition, Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., May 2, 2011, Pediatrics

Monday, May 2, 2011

Period Time Have Wetness

associate low levels of vitamin D with risk of diabetes

Low levels of vitamin D in blood in adults are associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes, according to a study in Australia. After following more than 5,000 people for five years, researchers found that those with low levels of vitamin had a 57 percent increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those with levels within the recommended range.

"Studies like ours suggest that vitamin D levels in blood higher than recommended for maintaining bone health, reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes," said lead author Dr. Claudia Gagnon, the Western Hospital of the University of Melbourne. The Institute of Medicine recommends that American adults consume 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily to maintain circulating levels in the desired range.

Gagnon's team measured their vitamin D levels in 5,200 people without diabetes. After five years, 200 had developed diabetes. The team repeated the measurement, found that twice as many people (six in 100) with low vitamin D levels had developed diabetes, unlike with normal participants (three in 100).

When considering risk factors for the disease, including age, waist circumference and family history, the risk caused by the decrease of vitamin D grew by 57 percent, comparado con el riesgo en personas con niveles más altos de la vitamina."Los bajos niveles de vitamina D en sangre estuvieron asociados con un riesgo aumentado de desarrollar diabetes tipo 2. Pero los resultados no prueban una relación causa-efecto", dijo Gagnon. Para eso se necesitan más estudios, según escribe el equipo en la revista Diabetes Care.

Es difícil saber exactamente cuál es la relación entre la vitamina D y la diabetes, comentó el doctor Ian de Boer, profesor asistente de medicina de la University of Washington en Seattle. Pero la obesidad y la inactividad, que son los dos factores de riesgo clave de la diabetes tipo 2, pueden disminuir los niveles de vitamina D, explicó De Boer, who was not involved in the study.

Vitamin D is also associated with a reduced risk of developing asthma, heart disease and certain cancers. Still, there are not many evidence that supplements help prevent these diseases. The sun is the most important source of vitamin D. Salmon and fortified dairy products also contain lots of vitamin, said De Boer. The best way to reduce the risk of diabetes, she said, continues to exercise and healthy diet.

"There is no conclusive information that vitamin D supplementation reduce the risk of diabetes" De Boer concluded.

Source Diabetes Care


Caning Scenes In Mainstream Movies

+ DE 1001 FILMS: 1098 - Les Amants du Pont-Neuf

In the final stretch of the twentieth century, Juliette Binoche is actress became the fashion of European cinema. He succeeded thanks to its Tereza in adaptation of the novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being , Milan Kundera, who ran in 1988 Philip Kaufman farewell to Kieslowski's Three Colors, at sexual encounters with Jeremy Irons in Damage (Injury, 1992), Louis Malle, and two works with Leos Carax, Mauvais sang (Bad Blood, 1986) and Les Amants du Pont - Neuf (The Lovers of the Pont-Neuf, 1991) both shot during the five years that director and muse were linked romantically, and degrees that prepare them all for the global recognition, including Oscar, of The patient Inglés (The English Patient, 1996), trifle with the signing of Minghella Antonhy.
After attending the full-screen infatuation Carax, through its look-alike Dennis Lavant and Juliette Binoche in "Mauvais sang , the two main characters would be the thread of visceral desire, pure and bleeding of the ragged of Les Amants du Pont Neuf . With a well-Luje filmmaker called the actress in private, and she dedicates the film, as can be seen in the credits; the director also plays with his alias is actually called Alex (andre) Oscar and reinvented, while revealed its ambition oscar Le x , something like "The Oscar goes to ..."- interpreting Michèle Stalens-Stalens is the surname of the mother of Juliette and her sister Marion used, also linked to the show and will appear here shortly, "a painter who has a disease that slowly stops and pushes blind to wander, anonymous, defeated, among the homeless in the French capital that chance meets Alex-on comments about the choice of leading name-(Dennis Lavant), acrobat hopeless, living in a Pont-Neuf in the process of remodeling, despite what its name suggests, is Paris's oldest bridge, plus the longer of the city, along with another bum, Hans (Klaus-Michael Gruber), decrepit trailing loss daughter and wife, and bear the keys that once opened the stability and now nothing but serve to hide the passage to the machinations of Morpheus winged, a cruel father for Alex - "Love is in the dormitory between currents air. Not your kind of life. "Spits the young man, the director weaves a history of marginalization, love, jealousy and other sufferings. Beginning with the hostel hyperrealist Nanterre, refuge of alcoholics unfortunate, hustler, demented, abusive and other characters worn, through the fireworks celebration of the bicentennial of the Republic, the criminal episode, Bresson-debtor who has already placed the Dostoevsky's White Nights on the same site in Quatre nuits d'un rêveur (Four Nights of a Dreamer, 1971) - and many others, the flames coming out of the mouth and hands of the sleepless, the candle that lights the Rembrandt self-portrait of a close to the decline in exchange for a pleasure dirty and treacherous, the drunk with cheap wine and smaller, and ended with a trip on the waters of the Seine that makes a mockery of the show the couple syrupy of lovers in the bow of the Titanic who manned James Cameron, Carax spent three years of effort, delirium, accident-the lazarillo Alex walks with a cast for a broken foot really, "the emotional connection had to be important, and considerable amount of public money, making him a target for darts and you would not just rebuild, in a megaescenario beside a lake near Montpellier, a replica of the real bridge when municipal permits without going extinct to conclude the story-arch bridge and balconies, real or fake, is home, and the tape is one of the many stories linking the fleeting and volatile ride earthly people to stones, buildings, architecture, "a film that becomes waste because there is no sequence in the projection that does not enclose a superlative sensitivity.
There are Les Amants du Pont-Neuf many of the ghosts and heroes of his head, his tics, right: from within the enclave, which had been part of the map of Alex-he always, always Dennis Lavant-in Boy meets girl (boy meets girl, 1984), a tribute to silent films, by the grace of the face of the actress, the circus and magic, dance, rhythm Mauvais sang Bowie here from Iggy Pop to rap track was subsequently Strauss is cast Bowie song: Time will crawl , and leave notes for Tarantino's coming, like the patina of hopelessness of the film serves as a basis for many subsequent musical works: verbigracia, some of videorealizador Jonathan Glazer for UNKLE and Massive Attack, "and wonderful earthly things that make fantasy: Michèle tears-now a warning for Julianne Moore Vanya on 42nd Street (Vanya on 42nd Street, 1994) - and conversely, if the French had come to the faces static and ice-cream would be a dream rediscovered quite different, but both there and in the subsequent drop in water bodies, Carax can pity and grants them a destination, a new life, becoming a god unable to expel Adam and Eve except to another paradise
Ambitious, esthetician, visual poet, postmodern, damn, exuberant child prodigy soon crowned king, all, other words, sometimes very little complacent, indeed, served to classify the unclassifiable Leo Carax, who worship the name of the cinema buff missing and can only regret that seems to say everything he had to say Les Amants du Pont-Neuf , the dazzling tale of beggars in search of tenderness.

Les Amants du Pont-Neuf
(Lovers of the Pont-Neuf, 1991)

The book 1001 movies you must see before you die (Editorial Grijalbo) no details titles L. Carax.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What Is Time Start F Tv Midnight Hot

Parasites of dogs cause blindness in children

eggs larvae in the feces of dogs can cause blindness, especially in children who are most prone to infection their gambling habits and the habit of putting their dirty hands to his mouth, said Dr. Michelle Talavera General Directorate of Environmental Health (Digesa), Ministry of Health (MoH).

The veterinary doctor explained that the parasite Toxocara, present in the waste of the dogs, you can enter through of the digestive tract and develop into a larva that passes through the intestine and reach the different organs including the brain and the eyeball.

"Once inside the small intestine, the larvae migrate to the liver, followed by blood to any tissue or organ, including liver, lung, heart and brain. If reach and stay in the eye, often causing blindness, "he said.

explained that anyone of any age who is in contact with feces of dogs can not contract the disease wormed. However, the main risk group is made up children aged one to five years for taking contaminated objects in their mouths and play and petting dogs and cats with parasites.

therefore asked parents to be very careful with sites that allow their young children play, they indicated that the last inspection visit Digesa to 86 parks in Lima, found that 34% , ie 3 to 4 per 10 parks are contaminated with Toxocara parasite eggs.


- Washing hands with soap and water after playing with pets, especially before eating.
- The owner or driver of the dog must pick up their dogs faeces.
- should deworm dogs from 15 days old, then every 30 days until about three months.
- After that, your pet should be wormed every three months as a prophylactic measure.
- sure to bring your pet to a veterinarian duly certified for adequate and effective treatments

Source Living Well