After attending the full-screen infatuation Carax, through its look-alike Dennis Lavant and Juliette Binoche in "Mauvais sang , the two main characters would be the thread of visceral desire, pure and bleeding of the ragged of Les Amants du Pont Neuf . With a well-Luje filmmaker called the actress in private, and she dedicates the film, as can be seen in the credits; the director also plays with his alias is actually called Alex (andre) Oscar and reinvented, while revealed its ambition oscar Le x , something like "The Oscar goes to ..."- interpreting Michèle Stalens-Stalens is the surname of the mother of Juliette and her sister Marion used, also linked to the show and will appear here shortly, "a painter who has a disease that slowly stops and pushes blind to wander, anonymous, defeated, among the homeless in the French capital that chance meets Alex-on comments about the choice of leading name-(Dennis Lavant), acrobat hopeless, living in a Pont-Neuf in the process of remodeling, despite what its name suggests, is Paris's oldest bridge, plus the longer of the city, along with another bum, Hans (Klaus-Michael Gruber), decrepit trailing loss daughter and wife, and bear the keys that once opened the stability and now nothing but serve to hide the passage to the machinations of Morpheus winged, a cruel father for Alex - "Love is in the dormitory between currents air. Not your kind of life. "Spits the young man, the director weaves a history of marginalization, love, jealousy and other sufferings. Beginning with the hostel hyperrealist Nanterre, refuge of alcoholics unfortunate, hustler, demented, abusive and other characters worn, through the fireworks celebration of the bicentennial of the Republic, the criminal episode, Bresson-debtor who has already placed the Dostoevsky's White Nights on the same site in Quatre nuits d'un rêveur (Four Nights of a Dreamer, 1971) - and many others, the flames coming out of the mouth and hands of the sleepless, the candle that lights the Rembrandt self-portrait of a close to the decline in exchange for a pleasure dirty and treacherous, the drunk with cheap wine and smaller, and ended with a trip on the waters of the Seine that makes a mockery of the show the couple syrupy of lovers in the bow of the Titanic who manned James Cameron, Carax spent three years of effort, delirium, accident-the lazarillo Alex walks with a cast for a broken foot really, "the emotional connection had to be important, and considerable amount of public money, making him a target for darts and you would not just rebuild, in a megaescenario beside a lake near Montpellier, a replica of the real bridge when municipal permits without going extinct to conclude the story-arch bridge and balconies, real or fake, is home, and the tape is one of the many stories linking the fleeting and volatile ride earthly people to stones, buildings, architecture, "a film that becomes waste because there is no sequence in the projection that does not enclose a superlative sensitivity.
There are Les Amants du Pont-Neuf many of the ghosts and heroes of his head, his tics, right: from within the enclave, which had been part of the map of Alex-he always, always Dennis Lavant-in Boy meets girl (boy meets girl, 1984), a tribute to silent films, by the grace of the face of the actress, the circus and magic, dance, rhythm Mauvais sang Bowie here from Iggy Pop to rap track was subsequently Strauss is cast Bowie song: Time will crawl , and leave notes for Tarantino's coming, like the patina of hopelessness of the film serves as a basis for many subsequent musical works: verbigracia, some of videorealizador Jonathan Glazer for UNKLE and Massive Attack, "and wonderful earthly things that make fantasy: Michèle tears-now a warning for Julianne Moore Vanya on 42nd Street (Vanya on 42nd Street, 1994) - and conversely, if the French had come to the faces static and ice-cream would be a dream rediscovered quite different, but both there and in the subsequent drop in water bodies, Carax can pity and grants them a destination, a new life, becoming a god unable to expel Adam and Eve except to another paradise
Ambitious, esthetician, visual poet, postmodern, damn, exuberant child prodigy soon crowned king, all, other words, sometimes very little complacent, indeed, served to classify the unclassifiable Leo Carax, who worship the name of the cinema buff missing and can only regret that seems to say everything he had to say Les Amants du Pont-Neuf , the dazzling tale of beggars in search of tenderness.
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