Sunday, June 27, 2010

How To Write For Reconsideration Of Application

silver nanoparticles to identify, locate and eliminate cancer

Another weapon in the arsenal against cancer: nanoparticles that identify, locate and kill specific cancer cells without touching cells healthy.

the researchers synthesized gold nanoparticles between two pieces of iron oxide. Then the particles attached to antibodies that target a molecule found only in colorectal cancer cells. Once linked, the nanoparticles are absorbed by cancer cells.

To kill cells, researchers use a near infrared laser, a wavelength at the levels used does not damage normal tissue. Radiation, however, it is absorbed by the gold nanoparticles. This causes cancer cells to heat up and die. The

goal, according to lead author and graduate student in biomedical Dickson Kirui, is to improve technology and make it suitable for testing in a clinical trial with humans. The researchers are now working on a similar experiment that attacks prostate cancer cells.

Gold has potential as a key material for cancer therapy in future intelligent. It is biocompatible, inert and relatively easy to modify chemically. Changing the size and shape of the gold particles can adjust to respond to different wavelengths of energy.

Once hit by the gold particles cell cancer are destroyed by heat (just a few degrees above normal body temperature) while the surrounding tissue remains unharmed. A very low power laser has no effect on adjacent cells because that particular wavelength, it heats the cells if they are loaded with nanoparticles, the researchers said.

The use of iron oxide in other parts of the particles could one day allow scientists also wish to track the progress of cancer treatment using magnetic resonance imaging exploiting the magnetic properties of the particles. Maria Linares 19881179

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