The most common way is to use MOSFET transistors in circuits CMOS type, consisting in the use pMOS and nMOS transistors complementary. See
CMOS technology applications are the most common discrete MOSFET:
• voltage-controlled resistance.
• Power switching circuits (HEXFET, FREDFET, etc).
• frequency mixers, double gate MOSFET.
The main application of the MOSFET is in integrated circuits, p-MOS n-MOS and c-mos, due to several advantages over bipolar transistors:
• Energy consumption very low static .
• Size much lower than the bipolar transistor (currently about half a micron).
• High integration due to its small size.
• Operation by stress, are controlled by voltage and therefore have a very high input impedance. The current flowing through the gate is the order of nanoamperes.
• A circuit made with resistance MOSFET does not need, saving surface involved.
• The switching speed is very high, being the order of nanoseconds.
• Whenever there are more applications in high frequency converters and low power.
Subject: ESS.
Student: Pedro Jose Contreras Urbina
Source: http://aeronuts.foroactivo.com/novedades-f15/iniciacion-a-los-mosfet-uso-en-airsoft-t130.htm
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