With the seal of Jesse L. Lasky for Paramount and relying once again on the operator Alvin Wycloff, DeMille, always concerned about the strength of a script that would make effective progress the story and the application of appropriate technical resources, structured the book into four parts. Following the presentation the trio: Haka Arakau (Sesue Hayakawa), a Burmese ivory king introduced in New York society-in the original version, and until 1918, it was a Japanese colleague called Hisuhru Tori, but the insistence of Japan's colony settled California and the WWI military alliance forced the change, and marriage Hardy, Richard (Jack Dean) , broker and Edith (Fannie Ward), see under the heading butterfly, and wife is a vacant, wayward and capricious woman who is dedicated to spend on clothes and holiday money her husband earns in the market as investment and misuses of a major amount a distinguished ladies group has collected to give to the Red Cross (in Europe is fighting the Great War ) and entrusted to his care. Frightened by the impending deadline of the shell and without resources, the husband conceals the truth and seeks help from his friend Arakau, who sees an opportunity to calm her, crouched long, lustful desire. Graced by luck, sorry to see Edith goes to the lender, but the sexual voracity leads the trader to be tagged with the same burning seal stamped on the basis of their prized decorative figures. It Deception, to be followed The trial and verdict , where the scandal made public and will clarify the facts and the authorship of the shots that suffers the eastern in its dispute with the beautiful Edith, a woman who carries more than a few deadly sins.
The result was so successful that The cheat reached in 1921 the privilege of being the first film become opera Fortaiture , Camille Erlanger. His fame was based on a f antásticas interpretations, especially those of Fannie Ward, a star, makes it clear that his name precedes the title of the film in letters of similar body, direct look at us in the box presentation and their whims while filming wearing dresses-ask expensive and exclusive; despised maquiladoras not pleasant-and Sesue Hayakawa, who became the most admired exotic male beauty in films until the arrival of Rudolph Valentino Italian, and the narrative agility lesson and use of DeMille light, paragraph relevant today even in the ribbons. And that is expressive lighting, Rembrandt , alibi at the expense of the Dutch artist wielding a convenience to gain public consistent in uniform and reduce the lighting level by black curtains and reflectors, the use of direct beams faces, leaving shadowy environment, which impacted on the psychological aspect of the characters and the nature of the facts, was a technique that had proven The Warrens of Virginia (1915) and reached a prodigious debugging here, as evidenced by the fantastic play of shadows on the walls of rice paper artist's studio.
few years after this advice demonic images of the danger which contained all the foreign attraction, extremely sexual, which is The cheat , drama about the impossibility of understanding between the different-we are in year the famous The birth of a nation (The Birth of a Nation, 1915), realistic work and xenophobic Griffith, Cecil B. DeMille would separate the Red Sea in The Ten Commandments (The Ten Commandments, 1923). Made repeated, this time in Technicolor , sound, and, yes, actor Charlton Heston, in his farewell title: The ten commandents (The Ten Commandments, 1956), thus surpassing the very Moses. And if there are questions of biblical proportions of the work of the director, enough fifty-nine minutes The cheat , one of the first steps of the tower of Babel called Hollywood.
The Cheat (The mark of fire, 1915)
In the book 1001 movies you must see before you die (Editorial Grijalbo) detail 1 title CB DeMille: The Ten Commandments (The Ten Commandments, 1956).
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