Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle (The Enigma of Caspar Hauser, 1974), a title that literally can be translated as "Every man for himself and God against all", which was revealed to the author by a the comedic character Mancunaíma (1969), Joaquin Pedro de Andrade, refers to the chronicle, as is customary in Germany when away from their loved Klaus Kinski with intimacy, without histrionics or fireworks, with an almost testimonial, though full of doubts and questions unresolved, no definitive conclusions. You can also say that part of the gallery of unique characters of flesh and bone in most, tragic and abrupt end, wrapped in a landscape full of indecipherable signals that seems to conspire with its quiet beauty is that is all Herzog specialist, among whose names we find the conquistador Lope de Aguirre, the strong Zisha Breitbart, the soldier Franz Woyczek, the immigrant or green Stroszek admirer of Timothy Treadwell grizzlies, all unforgettable.
And to achieve our hypnosis during the screening, Herzog has the background fields and a Bavarian actor, Bruno S., himself a child abandoned by his prostitute mother at the age of 3 years, a regular of mental hospitals for decades, with the ability hearing impaired, an actor with whom the author developed a close relationship, always covered with the shadow of the use poorly paid even affect, and that they would cooperate in the final sequence of the film more disturbing - Stroszek (1977) , of course: a van without a driver turns on in flames in a parking lot outside while a man walks into a lift with a loaded shotgun in his hands and some farm animals frenzied dance and play music in a glass cage, an unforgettable man who ended his days as a street accordionist.
Halfway real life and film, the Victor of Truffaut in Le sauvaqe enfant (The Wild Child, 1960)-another case of occurrence of a misfit in the streets of a city, a fact that may seem impossible has occurred several times in the past centuries and often ask the question of deception, the truth of living away, or abducted, for years, or Lynchian John Merrick The Elephant Man (The Elephant Man, 1980 )-Kaspar Hauser was also exhibited in a sideshow and reviewed on behalf of science, Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle is the demonstration of the impossibility of living without affection, without light or voices, and how man can overcome the greatest of horrors. Evidence produced here in the represented and representative actor, who never dissociates much the photograph recede. Experiment
antisocial, the Tsar himself wanted to know what language they spoke a newborn if it is not taught nor heard any expression or imprisonment, rape, unexpected end, the point is that found sanity, "rescued?, A a child of madness, traveler of times past, immortalized on the screen. For if Stroszek ends with genius, here, if you open with a mysterious boat trip to the accompaniment of Tamino's aria in The Magic Flute , Mozart, and move to a cornfield that sways under the Canon Pachelbel is not the best and only way to begin the story of a wounded soul, is because we have not found the body of Bruno Hauser tied to a ring, relieved of his injuries.
Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle
(The Enigma of Caspar Hauser, 1974)
(The Enigma of Caspar Hauser, 1974)
In the book 1001 movies you must see before you die (Editorial Grijalbo) details 4 titles W. Herzog: Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Aguirre, the Wrath of God, 1972); Stroszek (1977) *; Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (Nosferatu, Vampire Night, 1979) and Fitzcarraldo (1982 ).
* In the book appears with the Castilian title of The Ballad of Bruno S.
* In the book appears with the Castilian title of The Ballad of Bruno S.
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