metals, American gold

The operation of several mines allowed Cortes
2,000 ducats with which organized the conquest of New Spain. In its distribution of lands had said he had not come to the English to work the land but to find gold. We know that from 1503 to 1510 came about 5000 kilos of gold to Sevilla and more than 9000 between 1511 and 1520, as legally transported quantities as stated in the records of the House of Trade, held in the Archivo General de Indias. If the addition that came between 1493 and 1502, and was brought contraband the total since 1493 to 1520 amount to about 30,000 kilos.
location of major mines :
Deposits of New Spain, New Granada and Perúproporcionaron quantities whose amounts are known to us thanks to recent research as the Te Paske. Already in the eighteenth century, the Brazilian sites added a significant current gold
New to the Old World. Deposits silver were found in New Spain and were exploited between 1546 and 1556. The most famous are those of Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Pachuca, Real del Monte and Cap. In some of them reach full production in the eighteenth century. Porco mines, as well as others that found the Spaniards in the land of Peru, were open, and the sight of the seams where the ore was extracted. Which were found in the Cerro del Potosi were discovered in 1547. Began the operation by their top, streaks in five delicious.
So great was his fame that came from neighboring towns everywhere Indians to get money. " Acosta's father estimated that in his time it would come out every day "t work

hirty thousand dollars." Also extracted silver was not marked or fifth ", and it used to be r" all that walked among Indians. " Concludes that "the third of the wealth of Potosi, if it was not half, not stated or fifth."
Presentation: Powder, seeds and veins:
The alchemists were searching unsuccessfully for centuries the philosopher's stone that transforms metal into gold. The gold occurs in rocks and in alluvial deposits or pleasure, which may be of recent origin and being close to the surface, or deep and old and be covered with rocks deposited later. In the pleasures, the metallic gold is mixed with gravel, sand or clay, having been transported from their place of origin by the action of water and deposited in its new location by mechanical, chemical deposition or by both. In the alluvial deposits is presented in fragments ranging in size from that of dust particles to large nuggets. The gold deposits that human triggered floods to California, Australia and Alaska, were alluvial deposits as of the Urals in Siberia. In the most important source of gold from South Africa, which produces most of the stocks of the metal, forming veins or reefs appears.
amounts carried to Europe:
know the quantities of gold and silver arriving in Seville from 1503 to 1660, thanks to research by Earl J. Hamilton. Arrived between the years studied, gold and silver worth about 448 million pesos of 450 maravedíes. Of that total, about 330 million were private. The remaining -117 000 000, more than a quarter, "the Real Hacienda. Measured by weight, the amount of the precious metals came from America amounted to some 17 million kilos of silver and gold 181,000 (always between 1503 and 1660).
[...] According to Braudel, the storage of gold in Europe in 1500 would be about 5,000 tons. The silver, 60,000. The precious metal of American origin would have added 18,000 tons of silver and 200 gold, between 1500 and 1650. The initial storage would have doubled just in the early nineteenth century to reach the figure of 160,000 tons of silver equivalent. Quantities precious metals have reached Europe from America accrue during the eighteenth century: that of the English Indies joined Brazilian gold of Minas Gerais. Also increased the amount of gold extracted in New Spain and New Granada. The gold obtained in as India went from an annual average of about six million pesos from 272 maravedíes in the seventeenth century to 22,468,000 between 1701 and 1810 (annual average). (Gonzalo Anes)
Influence on prices in Europe :
In Europe, gold and silver circulated in more despite the part used in the import of products from the East. As this increase was higher than the production of goods and services tended to increase prices and wages, particularly in Spain.
Gold has occupied a mythic role in the development of the exchange economy, since nearly two millennia ago, constituting therefore the fundamental pivot of the commercial life of the people. This paper, in the strictest sense, it has remained until World War I, the system prevailing gold standard or gold standard, which was full convertibility between gold and banknotes in circulation. In this system, gold was the only way to make settlements between central banks. Inputs or outputs Gold had an impact on the internal balance by changing the money supply and consequently prices, ie at lower prices and increased exports and decreased imports, as prices rise, the reverse occurred. Realising this fact in all countries, the international balance tended to be restored automatically. (J. Dora)
Import of gold owned by individuals (60%) and Corona (40%):
The shipments of precious metals reached Seville belonged in part, to the Crown, and partly to private. According to laws enacted by Alfonso X Alfonso XI, all mines have been discovered on land belonging to real estate was regarded as an integral part of it, but the risks and difficulties inherent in the use of American mines led the English Crown to surrender their rights and to lease or transfer it in exchange for a share of the profits, fixed finally in a fifth. It appears that the Crown was left with about 40% of total shipments of precious metals came to Seville, and that these benefits came in part of interest and partly above the amounts sent in payment of contributions made by the Crown in India. A portion of imports belonging to the private sector was owned by individuals who had made his fortune in the New World and returned with her to Spain, but probably the most gold and silver traders were sent to Seville for their fellow Americans to pay for shipments sent to New World, because, although the seed is set almost exclusively on spectacular bullion imports, the English trade with India was always bilateral. (Helliott)
Cortés meets the gold of Moctezuma:
The English, meanwhile, were studying the ground and soon realized that some of the old walls of this room were recent traces of mortar, and the experience acquired by many findings suspicious to the point that there is concealed a door. And although by the time they were guests of the emperor, without

soon discovered, in fact, a door that opened immediately, and were
in search of Cortes. When he glanced at the newly opened room had to close my eyes. Stood before a room full of the richest fabrics, jewelry, all kinds of precious possessions, and silver and gold, not only beautifully carved objects, but in pigs. Bernal Diaz, the columnist writes: "I was very young and it seemed that all the riches of the world were in that room." Were before the treasure of Moctezuma, rather, the father of Moctezuma, augmented by the acquisitions of the child. Cortes showed great intelligence in order that blocked out the door immediately because he did not illusions about the riskiness of the situation.
When Cortez Montezuma was taken prisoner, and saw no reason why it was unable to touch the treasure. The unhappy Emperor tried to preserve its dignity by stating that gave all the treasure of the great ruler of His Majesty Cortes-Hispanic, linking it the oath to be his faithful vassal, which represented no great merit in view of their situation. Cortes ordered to transfer the treasure to one of the great halls, they are measured. The English had to build them same scales and weights, for the Aztecs, big
m thematized, not know the systems weight and total value .

And so it was found that some 162,000 gold pesos, a sum which, according to calculation made in the last century, equivalent to about $ 6,300,000. In the sixteenth century this was an amount so great that we can quite justifiably assume that no European sovereign had treasured the sum in those days. Was it strange then, that the soldiers went crazy when calculating its proportional?. But At this point, Cortes was opposed to equal participation. Was it unfair? At least it was working. Since then, he had left for overseas on behalf of His Majesty the King, who was rightly entitled to a share, but he, Cortez, had equipped the boat with their money, incurring many debts to one day have to pay. Therefore, Cortes ordered that a fifth of the treasure would correspond to the King of Spain, one fifth to it, another fifth of the reserve to Velázquez, as governor he was, and to placate him, because had not obeyed his orders, fleeing jurisdiction with all vessels, another fifth, for men, artillery, musketeers, crossbowmen and the garrison had left the coast of Veracruz. There was, therefore, a fifth to distribute among the soldiers, each of which played 100 pesos. "That was a pittance for what they did, a charity for those who had watched all the treasure! (CWCeram. Gods, Graves and wise)
Rande refugee fleet (1702):
The transfer of silver. By Manuel Yebra Touron:
The September 27, 1702, five days after calling at the Ria de Vigo the fleet from New Spain, the Consejo de Indias they issued a detailed and precise instructions on how the money should land in it came from and the stringent checks that should make the Barbanzón Prince, the Earl of Chateaurenaud and Representatives of Trade in Seville. This decision of the Council, which was produced and with some delay, was inspired by Barbanzón had made recommendations to the queen, fearful of an enemy attack and unwilling to accept the great responsibility that was supposed to decide on their own silver discharge . With real authority and knowing that the Council of India had commissioned the Don Juan de Larrea director to oversee the operation and what they thought fit available, the same September 27, Barbanzón informed the Kingdom and especially the province of Tuy, who immediately begin the landing of silver and ordered to appear in Redondela, discharge point, five hundred carts to transport silver, as the previous ones were heavy, so that any arrests would not receive in advance and also pay a ducat per league. These actions Barbanzón, fully documented, consistent with the chronology contained in the Memorial sent to the king after the battle and, ultimately, is confirm that at the time of enemy attack had been landed most of the money and some genres, but most of them were still in the galleon and its loss was inevitable. In reality, although he had informed Barbanzón Juan de Larrea on 14 October that all the silver was landed (probably the prince was convinced of that), the situation was very different because there was fraud in the trade Indies. Larrea's performance during the battle and confirms:
... I saw immediately that this fatal event (the attack) that is far from the party did not even quarter of a league to Redondela where I hallava Aque travaxe with unrelenting vigilance to come out of her silver that different individuals were removed from the ships little pray before his fatal whereabouts, and amid the confusion, crying and wailing that experimentavan all streets, got is free as long as most of it and that even Monastery Religious conduxese Bernard called Melon,
A subsequent report by the Minister of Indian influences in the same areas ... ordered the General (Chateaurenaud) burn all the ships, as was done, except some, which missed haverles mines of gunpowder was not seized, with the opponents who managed to Hazer fair game in scarlet some money and silverware ... It seems clear that, contrary to the official report, on October 23 in the galleon was a large shipment of genres and a lot of money is difficult to quantify. The first problem that arises when studying the amounts saved, sank or were captured by British and Dutch fleet of Don Manuel de Velasco, is the ignorance of the total value shipped in Veracruz, and although this figure had been known, would have to accept it with the natural reserves imposed by the habitualfraude. The fact that the fleet came this time escorted by a French fleet greatly favored this situation, since it could be shipped silver and gold in the French ships without paying the real nor the cruise. English and Dutch, once left Vigo, showed a huge interest in his victory and know the importance of the captured treasure, especially the British, keen to quell protests that the excessive costs of the expedition had given rise in England. Who gloried the value of the seized up to the sum of four million pesos, more than eight is true that he lost Commerce Cadiz, where they were secretly included the same enemies, and thus was not entirely unrelated to what they took and spoiled. Certainly the idea that targets the Marquis of San Felipe was a suspicion that before the attack on the fleet taking shape in court.
fixed Nueba's fleet reached Spain that follow, are large funds belonging to British and gender olandeses who embarked on it, and being conbeniente retaliation is made in these effects in the form available spindle War, the Council of the Indies Command tells me that Parez penalties should be imposed on that huviere Vando published for more delas aberiguación ordinary â arranged by Acts ...
was then customary for the two maritime powers, unable to trade directly with the American territories of the Crown Spain, do so through other people and this situation, known or suspected by the authorities, would be facilitated by the impunity offered by the cities of Cadiz and Seville, receiving and controlling fleet arriving from India. If the English and Dutch captured in Vigo seven or eight million pesos as indicated (figure higher than estimated then by the king) should be noted that two-thirds of these numbers belong to merchants of the same nationality, so that captors ruined his own countrymen. The Indian Council knew the number that came consigned to the Royal Treasury, as evidenced by the fact that in the final state accounts be held in Segovia in 1703, detailing the exact figure also aware of the amount needed to assert, as does Don Juan de Larrea, that money belongs to the Crown was fully recovered and sent to court . I was unaware of the Council (at least in November 1702) was the silver consigned to individuals and probably never know exactly what that figure, despite attempts to do so. Don Manuel de Velasco says the amount of 3,650 boxes of silver transported their ships. As the value of each box is the same Velasco that warns of the possibility of an additional loading fraudulent:
Mr. mine in letter of 21 of the past that I expressed just reseved VS Our Lady Queen wanting to know the flow more or less than the fleet i bino what it can pertenesser to English i Olandeses ... I Desire to VS in the first splitting, ofreze deque difficulty opening crates to bring three to four thousand dollars many i one of six that passe ... quanto and the second point I can assure the impossibility of aberiguarlo VS ique ahallado always the same on other occasions ...
Although we have to consider the following statements with some reservations, which would impose no documentation consulted other references that would contrast their accuracy, the Spain's ambassador to Portugal suggests a possible key to unraveling the problem of fraud:
For his loyal vassallo V. Mag as I understand this is a fleet granfraude your Parez and V. Haver Royals Mag asigurándome that the most renowned crate coming three thousand pessoas, trahan three thousand pieces of eight, to be equal their bulk and SSEP and traders to be confident of not being registered under the privileges that are granted to merzedes Contratazión House and Trade ...
3,650 to 3,000 silver dollars each, gives a figure of 10,950,000, - pesos. If most of those boxes carrying 3,000 doubloons of eight, each equivalent to over five silver dollars, the total number may rise to a vastly greater amount. Finally, total volumes transported by the fleet was estimated at 13,639,230, - silver dollars, of which 6,994,293 - went directly to the royal coffers, making Felipe V in the first English king who received a sum so high in America, although traders were hurting Seville and Cadiz or on its behalf actually conducted business. The estimated total is not clear but the fate of the flows controlled by Don Juan de Larrea and transported from Galicia, in successive stages to the Alcázar of Segovia, but no clue to the amount of captured by the enemy and he could sink into the river, not forgetting what he could escape from Galicia and located unless the Minister of Indian control of part that should not be overlooked as there is evidence of this circulation fraud. In relation to the potential flow is necessary to note that sunk after the battle, and both the enemies and the English side, they dove into the wreck, removing different amounts of silver and genres that had not yet tainted water. Throughout the eighteenth, nineteenth and even twentieth continued underwater explorations of Rande galleons, some, like Alexander Goubert in 1728, Juan Antonio Rivero 1732 and the M. Isaac Dickson in 1825, with somewhat disappointing results, while others, such as Hippolyte Magen, with more success, but removed it in any way justify the huge investments made and the commitment of the most advanced technical means of the moment. Nevertheless, laleyenda continues even today and will be difficult for any student of the subject out of his imagination these supposed treasures that lie buried in the mud of the bay of San Simon. (Manuel Yebra Touron)
Name: Yenny Zoraida Zambrano Morales
Subject: RF Circuits
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