METALS, Venezuela Virtual Geology Museum (Pb)
Etymology: From Latin
galena, which means brightness of lead.
Chemical formula:
- Element: Lead Pb
- Mena : Galena PbS.
- Physical :
- System: Cubic.
- Habit : often amorphous aggregates sometimes implanted, usually in cubes, octahedra or combinations of both.
- Hardness : 2.5 - 3.
- Specific Gravity: 7.2 to 7.6.
- Color : lead gray, sometimes with blue patina mate.
- Raya : Black gray.
- Brightness : cash.
Exfoliation: perfect as the cube. Almost always lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) are part of the same mineral mass. Lead is a heavy, ductile, malleable, soft, that will tarnish in contact with air by the formation of oxides. Is resistant to most acids, especially sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, but is attacked by nitric acid and acetic acid, and all its compounds are poisonous. In nature, it is mainly formed galena (PbS) which is extracted by roasting and reduction with carbon.
Hydrothermal and low average temperatures, is found in veins, metasomatic bodies and in skarns. Sediment, ie as impregnation, mainly in the bituminous carbonate rocks.
Background in Venezuela :
Lead is known since antiquity, as is mentioned in the Bible. In Venezuela, the lead has been mined since the days of the colony in a rudimentary way and in trace amounts, their metallurgy has not progressed according to modern developments.
Location :
In Venezuela the lead and zinc, are usually present partners, both deposits and in hydrothermal volcanogenic deposits. At other times, such as in Lara, Sucre, Zulia and part of the state of Merida, the lead has only one associated with manganese ore, barium or carbonatization intense. The most important deposit is in the town of Tapias, 10 km south of the town of Dancers (Mérida), and 140 km south of the southern shore of Lake Maracaibo. Dancers mineralization is controlled by a streak of blood on a fault line that cuts the lower Paleozoic Mucuchachí Training.
The host rock prevailing in the region is made up of granitic gneiss, schist and quartz-schists biotítocos the granitic Training Sierra Nevada. The mineralization occurs as pockets and impregnation in a massive quartz vein with an average thickness of 2.20 meters. The ore consists mainly of galena with pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite (Blenda) as minor constituents. Deposits are typically mesothermal origin.
In the vicinity Las Tapias, Dancers, Mérida, are located sulfide ores were exploited financially until 1966 when due to problems of reserves, the mining process. Mining was carried out from five underground levels with varying galleries from 50 to 200 m.
volcanogenic deposits of Zn-Pb-Cu located near the town of dancers, Mérida, eminently rich in Zn and Pb has been studied and evaluated in detail by the Ministry of Energy and Mines. As a result, an estimated ore reserve of more than 1.5 x 106 tm, and elaborating a potentially favorable area for the location of new volcanogenic stratiform polymetallic deposits. The sulfides are located in the bottom of Vocational Mucuchachí of Paleozoic age, along the contact between a basal pyroclastic unit located unconformably on basement rocks and a top black phyllite, which is the dominant rock type Mucuchachí Training. The volcanic rocks appear to form a local line, which interdigitate with the shale along its flanks
Associated with mineralization in the lower reservoir, is located a chloritic quartzite and chlorite-biotite schist -margarífero. Possibly the chloritic quartzite was originally a pyroclastic rock, which has been altered by silicification and sericitization and is very similar to the alteration observed in some clastic massive sulphides Canadian Archean. The shale was probably a pelitic sediment enriched in Mg, Ca and Fe
The area massive sulfide consisting of sphalerite, pyrrhotite, galena, chalcopyrite and minor amounts of pyrite and pyrite-arseno. Bargain Minerals include quartz, chlorite and sericite. The mineralization associated with massive sulphide zone include pyrite, sphalerite and galena with chalcopyrite little siliceous phyllite rocks normally located at the top, and pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena with little in the bottom chloritic quartzite. The typical zonation is from lead-zinc in the upper massive zone, to copper at the bottom. Adjacent to the reservoir rocks have been sheared and metamorphosed. Mucuchachí Training has suffered low-grade regional metamorphism, whereas the area of \u200b\u200bDancers has been subject to somewhat greater metamorphism with development of garnet and formation of pyrrhotite from pyrite, which is more typical regionally.
In Yaracuy State, Aroa Mining District, minerográficos detailed studies have shown the existence of sphalerite and galena in low concentrations in volcanogenic copper ores in the mining district. Research conducted, for example, on samples of sulphide mine San Antonio, sphalerite and galena have shown replacing chalcopyrite and pyrite, but never have become economic ores and concentrates never recovered cheap for those metals.
In the region of Cocuaima and Urachiche, Sphalerite is predominant mineral in epithermal deposits of Sb-Zn-Pb-Ag Southwest Yaracuy. Usually occurs in close association with the Boulangerite and galena. Mineralized with sphalerite levels have a high percentage of massive milky quartz and sericite areas. In general, the mineralized zone filled fractures and joints late in schistose rocks Nirgua Training. During the process of mining and processing mineralogical all sphalerite-rich fraction was discarded. Only produced a concentrated complex of antimony sulfosalts.
North of Barquisimeto is located an area characterized by the presence of hydrothermal veins of galena filling fractures and joints in fossiliferous limestone formations yBarquisimeto Carorita. Mineralogically, the ore is very simple, only coarse galena crystals, associated with intense ferruginous carbonatization. No deep hydrothermal alteration, and has not seen any kind of metamorphism in the rock due to an increase in temperature. The sedimentary rock keeps its original features, including in relation to macropaleontología. Not observed sphalerite and Nirit
The thickness of the veins, forming lattice few centimeters and the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe mineralized zone, have made the failure of any economic mining in the region. The area belongs to the hydrothermal zonation typical feature of mid-western Venezuela.
in Merida State, North of Puente Real, are quartz veins with galena argentífera, associated with fine-grained rocks and aplite-like, intruding along fault planes to Tostos Formation facies . According to the intrusive thin sections associated with the mineralization is a graphic microgranito SPEC MODULE 65%, 20% plagioclase and 15% quartz.
geological explorations in detail, made in the region of the Villa-Totumo-Inciarte, Zulia State, discovered hydrothermal mineralization associated with Pb-Ba volcanic and metamorphic sequences of the Sierra de Perija. The mineralization is located along the river area and consists of galena Piché with massive barite crystallization crystallized thick light gray. Mineralized areas and small veins are intertwined in metamorphic and volcanic rocks with highly variable lengths. The region has an intense tectonism and mineralized areas have been partly sheared and faulted.
The West Central region is characterized Aragua State by the presence of hydrothermal mineralization Zn-Cu-Ag-Au-Pb, associated with volcanic rocks Villa de Cura Group, especially with the Santa Isabel.
The ore occurs extremely Tectonic due to the profound shift phenomena that have affected the southern region of the Cordillera de la Costa. Usually the economic mineral sphalerite is more abundant, with pyrite and sulfide increased volume of weight. Zinc sulfide occurs extremely thin, with little galena, and always replaces pyrite and chalcopyrite.
estimated that the region can save a complex ore reserves moderately rich in Zn, Cu YAG.
The mineralized areas are located to promote areas of El Rincón, Canchunchú, Poor and The Great House, about 9 km south of Carupano Sucre.Geologicamente State Bermúdez District, the region is characterized by rocks Lower Cretaceous to Jurassic, with a preferential direction and dips east-0este widespread north. In the region emerges Carupano formations essentially calcareous phyllites and metavolcanic; Macuro, sericite and graphite phyllite with limestone, and sedimentary units such as San Antonio and Barranco formations, consisting mainly of limestone, shale and some sandstone. Dacite intrusions or dacite porphyry are recognized to affect at least Macuro Training. The deposits are located mainly in Macuro Formation, which is considerably faulted and folded.
There were two types of mineralization in Training Macuro: veins in sericite phyllites and graphite (Gran Poor and Canchunchú). The veins consist of galena, anglesite, hematite and quartz, with lesser amounts of sphalerite and manganese oxides. Parallel to these veins, dikes intruded and were pofídica dacite breccia, mineralized and chloritized. The thickness of the veins varies between 0.10 and 0.80 m.
Lead is used mainly in the development of lead wires, batteries, due to its resistance to corrosion is used in construction of pipelines and containers for water or acids, and it is used in the production of sulfuric acid, production of ammunition, preparation of lead crystal, lead white, very fusible alloys, such as lowering together with benzene (tetraethyl lead .) Associations
Galena PbS
everywhere is the most important ore of lead and frequent, is usually coupled with ZnS Blenda and concrescence intimate with her. Other associations are pyrite (FeS, pyrrhotite, Barite, BaSO4, Quartz SiO2, CaCO3 Calcite and Chalcopyrite CuFeS2. Cerussite In some localities or White Lead (PbCO3) Anglesite or Lead Vitriol (PbSO4) produced by oxidation of Galena , Pyromorphite PB5 [Cl / (PO4) 3].
GOLD, GG & J. JUBANY CASANOVAS. Atlas of mineralogy. sl, Stock ATLAS OF SCIENCE, EDIBOOK SA 94 p.
Hochleitner, R. (1997). Great nature guide Minerals and Crystals, Madrid. Edit. Everest SA 255 p.
KLOCKMANN, F. & Ramdohr, P. (1955). Treaty of Mineralogy, Barcelona. Edit. Gustavo Gili SA 716 p.
MILOVSKI, A. V & OV Kononov. (1982). Mineralogy, Moscow. MIR. 319 p.
Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons, Bureau of Mines and Geology (1971). The mining industry in Venezuela: Status and Prospects for National Development, Caracas. 96 p.
RODRIGUEZ, S. (1986). Mineral Resources of Venezuela. Bulletin of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Caracas. 15 (27). 215 p.
Name: Yenny Zoraida Morales Zambrano Subject: RF Circuits Source: blog View:
Etymology: From Latin
galena, which means brightness of lead.
Chemical formula:
- Element: Lead Pb
- Mena : Galena PbS.
- Physical :
- System: Cubic.
- Habit : often amorphous aggregates sometimes implanted, usually in cubes, octahedra or combinations of both.
- Hardness : 2.5 - 3.
- Specific Gravity: 7.2 to 7.6.
- Color : lead gray, sometimes with blue patina mate.
- Raya : Black gray.
- Brightness : cash.
Exfoliation: perfect as the cube. Almost always lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) are part of the same mineral mass. Lead is a heavy, ductile, malleable, soft, that will tarnish in contact with air by the formation of oxides. Is resistant to most acids, especially sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, but is attacked by nitric acid and acetic acid, and all its compounds are poisonous. In nature, it is mainly formed galena (PbS) which is extracted by roasting and reduction with carbon.
Hydrothermal and low average temperatures, is found in veins, metasomatic bodies and in skarns. Sediment, ie as impregnation, mainly in the bituminous carbonate rocks.
Background in Venezuela :
Lead is known since antiquity, as is mentioned in the Bible. In Venezuela, the lead has been mined since the days of the colony in a rudimentary way and in trace amounts, their metallurgy has not progressed according to modern developments.
Location :
In Venezuela the lead and zinc, are usually present partners, both deposits and in hydrothermal volcanogenic deposits. At other times, such as in Lara, Sucre, Zulia and part of the state of Merida, the lead has only one associated with manganese ore, barium or carbonatization intense. The most important deposit is in the town of Tapias, 10 km south of the town of Dancers (Mérida), and 140 km south of the southern shore of Lake Maracaibo. Dancers mineralization is controlled by a streak of blood on a fault line that cuts the lower Paleozoic Mucuchachí Training.
The host rock prevailing in the region is made up of granitic gneiss, schist and quartz-schists biotítocos the granitic Training Sierra Nevada. The mineralization occurs as pockets and impregnation in a massive quartz vein with an average thickness of 2.20 meters. The ore consists mainly of galena with pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite (Blenda) as minor constituents. Deposits are typically mesothermal origin.
In the vicinity Las Tapias, Dancers, Mérida, are located sulfide ores were exploited financially until 1966 when due to problems of reserves, the mining process. Mining was carried out from five underground levels with varying galleries from 50 to 200 m.
volcanogenic deposits of Zn-Pb-Cu located near the town of dancers, Mérida, eminently rich in Zn and Pb has been studied and evaluated in detail by the Ministry of Energy and Mines. As a result, an estimated ore reserve of more than 1.5 x 106 tm, and elaborating a potentially favorable area for the location of new volcanogenic stratiform polymetallic deposits. The sulfides are located in the bottom of Vocational Mucuchachí of Paleozoic age, along the contact between a basal pyroclastic unit located unconformably on basement rocks and a top black phyllite, which is the dominant rock type Mucuchachí Training. The volcanic rocks appear to form a local line, which interdigitate with the shale along its flanks
Associated with mineralization in the lower reservoir, is located a chloritic quartzite and chlorite-biotite schist -margarífero. Possibly the chloritic quartzite was originally a pyroclastic rock, which has been altered by silicification and sericitization and is very similar to the alteration observed in some clastic massive sulphides Canadian Archean. The shale was probably a pelitic sediment enriched in Mg, Ca and Fe
The area massive sulfide consisting of sphalerite, pyrrhotite, galena, chalcopyrite and minor amounts of pyrite and pyrite-arseno. Bargain Minerals include quartz, chlorite and sericite. The mineralization associated with massive sulphide zone include pyrite, sphalerite and galena with chalcopyrite little siliceous phyllite rocks normally located at the top, and pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena with little in the bottom chloritic quartzite. The typical zonation is from lead-zinc in the upper massive zone, to copper at the bottom. Adjacent to the reservoir rocks have been sheared and metamorphosed. Mucuchachí Training has suffered low-grade regional metamorphism, whereas the area of \u200b\u200bDancers has been subject to somewhat greater metamorphism with development of garnet and formation of pyrrhotite from pyrite, which is more typical regionally.
In Yaracuy State, Aroa Mining District, minerográficos detailed studies have shown the existence of sphalerite and galena in low concentrations in volcanogenic copper ores in the mining district. Research conducted, for example, on samples of sulphide mine San Antonio, sphalerite and galena have shown replacing chalcopyrite and pyrite, but never have become economic ores and concentrates never recovered cheap for those metals.
In the region of Cocuaima and Urachiche, Sphalerite is predominant mineral in epithermal deposits of Sb-Zn-Pb-Ag Southwest Yaracuy. Usually occurs in close association with the Boulangerite and galena. Mineralized with sphalerite levels have a high percentage of massive milky quartz and sericite areas. In general, the mineralized zone filled fractures and joints late in schistose rocks Nirgua Training. During the process of mining and processing mineralogical all sphalerite-rich fraction was discarded. Only produced a concentrated complex of antimony sulfosalts.
North of Barquisimeto is located an area characterized by the presence of hydrothermal veins of galena filling fractures and joints in fossiliferous limestone formations yBarquisimeto Carorita. Mineralogically, the ore is very simple, only coarse galena crystals, associated with intense ferruginous carbonatization. No deep hydrothermal alteration, and has not seen any kind of metamorphism in the rock due to an increase in temperature. The sedimentary rock keeps its original features, including in relation to macropaleontología. Not observed sphalerite and Nirit
The thickness of the veins, forming lattice few centimeters and the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe mineralized zone, have made the failure of any economic mining in the region. The area belongs to the hydrothermal zonation typical feature of mid-western Venezuela.
in Merida State, North of Puente Real, are quartz veins with galena argentífera, associated with fine-grained rocks and aplite-like, intruding along fault planes to Tostos Formation facies . According to the intrusive thin sections associated with the mineralization is a graphic microgranito SPEC MODULE 65%, 20% plagioclase and 15% quartz.
geological explorations in detail, made in the region of the Villa-Totumo-Inciarte, Zulia State, discovered hydrothermal mineralization associated with Pb-Ba volcanic and metamorphic sequences of the Sierra de Perija. The mineralization is located along the river area and consists of galena Piché with massive barite crystallization crystallized thick light gray. Mineralized areas and small veins are intertwined in metamorphic and volcanic rocks with highly variable lengths. The region has an intense tectonism and mineralized areas have been partly sheared and faulted.
The West Central region is characterized Aragua State by the presence of hydrothermal mineralization Zn-Cu-Ag-Au-Pb, associated with volcanic rocks Villa de Cura Group, especially with the Santa Isabel.
The ore occurs extremely Tectonic due to the profound shift phenomena that have affected the southern region of the Cordillera de la Costa. Usually the economic mineral sphalerite is more abundant, with pyrite and sulfide increased volume of weight. Zinc sulfide occurs extremely thin, with little galena, and always replaces pyrite and chalcopyrite.
estimated that the region can save a complex ore reserves moderately rich in Zn, Cu YAG.
The mineralized areas are located to promote areas of El Rincón, Canchunchú, Poor and The Great House, about 9 km south of Carupano Sucre.Geologicamente State Bermúdez District, the region is characterized by rocks Lower Cretaceous to Jurassic, with a preferential direction and dips east-0este widespread north. In the region emerges Carupano formations essentially calcareous phyllites and metavolcanic; Macuro, sericite and graphite phyllite with limestone, and sedimentary units such as San Antonio and Barranco formations, consisting mainly of limestone, shale and some sandstone. Dacite intrusions or dacite porphyry are recognized to affect at least Macuro Training. The deposits are located mainly in Macuro Formation, which is considerably faulted and folded.
There were two types of mineralization in Training Macuro: veins in sericite phyllites and graphite (Gran Poor and Canchunchú). The veins consist of galena, anglesite, hematite and quartz, with lesser amounts of sphalerite and manganese oxides. Parallel to these veins, dikes intruded and were pofídica dacite breccia, mineralized and chloritized. The thickness of the veins varies between 0.10 and 0.80 m.
Lead is used mainly in the development of lead wires, batteries, due to its resistance to corrosion is used in construction of pipelines and containers for water or acids, and it is used in the production of sulfuric acid, production of ammunition, preparation of lead crystal, lead white, very fusible alloys, such as lowering together with benzene (tetraethyl lead .) Associations
Galena PbS
everywhere is the most important ore of lead and frequent, is usually coupled with ZnS Blenda and concrescence intimate with her. Other associations are pyrite (FeS, pyrrhotite, Barite, BaSO4, Quartz SiO2, CaCO3 Calcite and Chalcopyrite CuFeS2. Cerussite In some localities or White Lead (PbCO3) Anglesite or Lead Vitriol (PbSO4) produced by oxidation of Galena , Pyromorphite PB5 [Cl / (PO4) 3].
GOLD, GG & J. JUBANY CASANOVAS. Atlas of mineralogy. sl, Stock ATLAS OF SCIENCE, EDIBOOK SA 94 p.
Hochleitner, R. (1997). Great nature guide Minerals and Crystals, Madrid. Edit. Everest SA 255 p.
KLOCKMANN, F. & Ramdohr, P. (1955). Treaty of Mineralogy, Barcelona. Edit. Gustavo Gili SA 716 p.
MILOVSKI, A. V & OV Kononov. (1982). Mineralogy, Moscow. MIR. 319 p.
Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons, Bureau of Mines and Geology (1971). The mining industry in Venezuela: Status and Prospects for National Development, Caracas. 96 p.
RODRIGUEZ, S. (1986). Mineral Resources of Venezuela. Bulletin of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Caracas. 15 (27). 215 p.
Name: Yenny Zoraida Morales Zambrano
Subject: RF Circuits
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