METALS, Geology of gold in the world

History of gold in the world
Gold was probably the first metal that caught the attention of man, which is one of the few who found in nature in relatively pure and resists the action of fire without black or experiencing any damage. Moreover, as in the native state usually has a great beauty, it attracted wide attention of primitive man, of this quality should be added that, unlike what happened with the other metals, gold does not lose its luster presence of air, is relatively soft and can be easily worked with a hammer, a property that allowed them to make ornaments, bracelets, rings and necklaces as the remains were found in the tombs of the Neolithic man. At the end of the Neolithic man began to replace the stone by the metal, it is not known how he came to this result, but is likely to collect pure metals appear on the surface of the earth, like gold, silver and copper.
Although gold was the first metal that drew the attention of man, his use even for simple character ornaments was not achieved until the art of melt was not invented in the Bronze Age. Anyway, gold has a positive effect on the progress of civilization as the desire to possess has led man to exploit and colonize territories.

In Egypt, the late Paleolithic, six millennia before our era began the golden age had not even started the first pharaonic dynasty, when the Nile riparian, adorned with gold leaf handle their flint knives. The gold of Egypt at this time came from Nubia, in southern Sudan, where large areas covered gold placers were worked square to a depth of two meters. It is very likely that these placer gold mining, began in this region 600 years ago and later in that area began to work in the gold reefs. The early instruments used in these early underground mining were stone hammers and rock loosened by direct heating by the fire after he threw cold water hot and causing cracking. We found gold objects in Egyptian tombs of the stone age. The first mining operations for gold mining in Nubia that there are reports, from one of the monuments of the Fourth Dynasty, referring to a miner panning for gold. Egypt has found the oldest documents on gold, as the sign that represents it appears in several inscriptions from the time of the first dynasties mephitic and not only that, but it seems to be that Egypt was the greatest power of gold ancient times. We developed the metallurgy of gold and mining engineering to achieve a high level during the dynasty of the Ptolemies after the conquest of Alexander the Great.
In China , Gold has been mined for millennia, the first indication of this activity is in the artifacts of the Shang Dynasty (1765 AC). More recently, considerable gold mining was carried out in rocks of Archean-Proterozoic and younger land in Shandong, Yunnan, Kansu, Szechuan, and other provinces.
In Korea, gold mining is also an old technology that dates back at least to the beginning of the Christian era, in mining districts as Unsane, Nurupi, Sak Ju, and Sen Sen.
In Japan, the search for gold goes back before the Christian era, judging by the archaeological evidence is introduced methods of searching and mining the metal probably Korea. The mine Sado, Sado Island in the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan, the largest producer of gold and silver in Japan, was discovered in 1542 and has been producing continuously since that time.
In India, large-scale mining in India began with the colonization of Mauryan Deccan in the late fourth century BC It is believed that the discovery of the Kolar was the beginning of the Christian era, probably in the north Hutti field. Modern mining lode Lode Champion famous in the field of Kolar, was rediscovered in 1873 and about the exploitation began in 1880 and has continued since that date.
In Mesopotamia, the gold was known and exploited before being conquered by the year 2000 BC It is unknown whether part of the gold came from Chaldea, Persia, Armenia and Phoenicia were gold producers long before our era, Persia was rich in precious metals, Cyrus and Darius in the sixth century BC receive tributes in the form of gold to the point they reached a great power both inside and outside the country. The Phoenicians obtained their gold using transactions with the people they visited, the same Herodotus relates, that the Carthaginians sailed down the west coast of Africa to change their goods for gold in the river towns.
in Greece in the archaic and classical times some of the Aegean islands in particular: Rates, Samothrace Imbros, Lamm, coastal regions and Macedonia were the main sources of gold for the Greek world. The ancient Greeks apparently got gold in Asia Minor. In 353 BC, noted that the records Genofontes oldest gold mines in Greece were lost in ancient times, in Crete the art of working the metal appears with the treasures of Midas during the Minoan. In order to meet the demand for gold was imported from Egypt, Thrace is famous for its gold mines, thanks to her Pisitratos, around 550 BC, were in exile takes a considerable fortune.
Romans, they exploited the same sources of the Greeks, discovering new deposits in Spain, the Danube and Britain. Dacia Greek gold flowed all the way through the control of the emperor Trajan. In the fourth century AD the circulation of gold increased particularly in the form of currency, this increase was probably due to the time of Constantine when he insisted that the payment of taxes and other debts to the government were made in gold. Roman civilization established very important holdings of gold, which after the destruction of Carthage, reaching the highest degree of its height, judging from the remains of those jobs that remain prodigious; All this shows that the gold industry was flourishing at that time. However, for early V century barbarian invasions came and with it the collapse of the empire, this was a serious blow to the gold industry, which has long been reduced to sporadic simple exploitation of some gold-bearing sands. In the span of V century AD to eighth century AD was a decline in gold supply from mines in western Europe, even when there is enough metal in the market to keep monetary gold continued between France and Spain. Gold falls in the dark and trade stops until after the Arab invasion, when regains a bit of life in this dark the gold industry will continue for about a millennium. The conquest of the Arabs in the Middle East (Persia, Syria) in the seventh century AD is reflected immediately in the establishment of the gold coin of high purity (97%), which circulates in great profusion in Western Europe.
In America, at its discovery in the late fifteenth century inaugurates the modern age, the metal back to abound in some Latin countries (Mexico , Peru, Bolivia and Chile) produced large quantities of gold that enriched the capitals of Europe during the sixteenth, XVII and XVIII. In North America production begins in the nineteenth century in the United States in North Carolina in 1801 and Georgia in 1829. In 1846 came the sensational discovery of placer gold in California, culminating in the great "gold rush" of 1849. Production is doubled and by 1853 the United States had become the largest gold producer in the world, a position he retained for a period of approximately 50 years. In Canada the greatest discoveries of gold were found in the Province of Ontario.
In Russia, has long been a legendary source of gold. In Georgia, the land of Cotchis in the Rioni River Phasis-modern-reports have provided large amounts of gold, like Persia where it has gotten much gold scitianos and several Iranian and other tribes that inhabited the region Uzbek-Ural-Altai, where the golden road to Samarkand was known centuries before Christ.
Over time the monopoly of gold mining became the exclusive Imperial Czars, they exploited the extensive placers and primary veins in the Urals, starting about 1774 and later in many parts of Siberia, especially in the Altai region, which undermined and alluvial deposits in 1820. In 1829, Lena alluvial deposit was exploited first and in 1840 the Yenisei flood into production. It apparently first worked alluvial deposits in the Amur drainage system around 1867, and in the sea area of \u200b\u200bthe Far East seem to have been exploited around 1870 or earlier.

In recent years, many more districts of gold placers and primary (as For Muruntau, Uzbek) have been developed and production has increased, making the former Soviet Union's second largest gold producer in the world after South Africa. However, since the new Russia abolished the network of labor camps for political prisoners and war, many of these deposits are not economic for mining.
In Australia in 1851 was a breakthrough similar to California, which contributed to the rise in gold production world in more than six million ounces in the period 1850 to 1860. This production declined rapidly until 1891.
In East Africa, into Europe and in the tenth century AD, most of this gold came in caravans from the Sahara to Barbary and then to Europe, and their original sources were the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhai. It is said that much of this gold came from a region known as Wangara (a tributary of the Senegal River, notorious for its alluvial deposits), but considering the large distribution of gold in East Africa seems probable that gold has had a much more widespread. The first visitors and explorers were the Portuguese, followed soon by business English, French, Dutch, Danish and English.
annually is believed that over a quarter of a million ounces of gold reached Europe from African sources during the XV and XVI, based largely on the work of the African natives, numerous deposits gold, primary and alluvial, were rediscovered during the late nineteenth century throughout Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, and the other nations of the Gold Coast deposits were developed in the Precambrian auriferous Tarkwa conglomerates of Ghana in a modern way during the period 1876-1882 by Pierre Bonnat, the father of modern gold mining in the Gold Coast in 1895, the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation began work on the district Obuasi in Ghana, Ashanti developing tanks and other mines which have produced a large proportion of gold since 1900 in the countries of the Gold Coast
In Zimbabwe Native worked gold deposits perhaps since the beginning of our era. Former exploration in the oxidized zones of deposits the pre Cambrian (Archean) were developed later by modern mining methods at the beginning of last century. Gaik mine was developed in 1894, Globe and Phoenix in 1895-1900, El Dorado in 1905, Antelope in 1908, Cam and Motor in 1909, Shamva in 1909-1910, and numerous others during the period 1895-1911.
In South Africa, is made the discovery of the "Great Rand" in 1896, a brief history of gold in this region, notes that it has dominated gold production in the world throughout the twentieth century. The cumulative total from 1900 to 1979 has been 36,250 metric tons of gold, reaching full production in 1970, a total of 1000 tonnes of gold this year. This production according to statistics represent approximately 75% of total production worldwide, which means that the world produced about 48,500 metric tons of gold in the mentioned period from 1990 to 1979.
In Brazil, the most important consequence expeditions between 1690 and 1800 was the discovery of gold deposits while the gold rush drew thousands of people who had been idle in the coastal plantations, which also attracted new immigration from Portugal.
in contact with indigenous foreigners realized that something valuable was hidden in the depths of Brazil. As in other parts of South America, there were still stories about a distant land where gold flowed into the river bed (El Dorado). Among those stories was that of Sarabuçu a mountain whose summit could remove magnificent colored stones, green and blue. In total nearly 1,000 tons of gold were extracted from the region between 1700 y 1800. El incremento de la minería en Brasil fue un importante desarrollo que influyó en el curso de los acontecimientos. Fue consecuencia de la fiebre del oro el incremento en la cría de ganado para proveer de carne y cuero a los centros mineros, además de las nuevas ciudades emergentes que se formaban en lo que es hoy el Estado de Minas Gerais.
Nombre : Yenny Zoraida Zambrano Morales
Asignatura: Circuitos de Radiofrecuencia
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