Sunday, July 25, 2010

How Much Can I Sell Pearls For

Polymer Polymer Polymer

semiconducting polymers act similarly to semiconductors doped with silicon or germanium. Its conductivity is in the intermediate range between insulators and conductors. There are 3 types of semiconductors: Expromero, Ipromero and Uimero.
The semiconducting polymer is an effect due to the delocalization of π electrons in an alternating sequence of single and double bonds, for example: In 1975 Hideki
Shirikawa prepared a fully formed by chains attached in the trans position, which conjugated π electrons were therefore with relocation, formed polyacetylene films are already treated them with halogen, halogenation and dehalogenation.
polymer chains to analyze the planned use of infrared spectrum analysis, however, the spectrometer detected no spectrum of the material, but an absorption of 100% when the halogen chlorine was added. Shirikawa acknowledges that at first thought that bleach may be a carrier of cargo and thus be the first conductive polymer history. MacDiarmid and Heeger
found that the polyacetylenes of Shirikawa could be doped with: I2, Br2, AsF5, etc.
The links could be cis or trans, while bonds were conjugated.

Maria Linares 19881179 EES


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