Wednesday, May 4, 2011
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Monday, May 2, 2011
Period Time Have Wetness
Low levels of vitamin D in blood in adults are associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes, according to a study in Australia. After following more than 5,000 people for five years, researchers found that those with low levels of vitamin had a 57 percent increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those with levels within the recommended range.
Caning Scenes In Mainstream Movies
After attending the full-screen infatuation Carax, through its look-alike Dennis Lavant and Juliette Binoche in "Mauvais sang , the two main characters would be the thread of visceral desire, pure and bleeding of the ragged of Les Amants du Pont Neuf . With a well-Luje filmmaker called the actress in private, and she dedicates the film, as can be seen in the credits; the director also plays with his alias is actually called Alex (andre) Oscar and reinvented, while revealed its ambition oscar Le x , something like "The Oscar goes to ..."- interpreting Michèle Stalens-Stalens is the surname of the mother of Juliette and her sister Marion used, also linked to the show and will appear here shortly, "a painter who has a disease that slowly stops and pushes blind to wander, anonymous, defeated, among the homeless in the French capital that chance meets Alex-on comments about the choice of leading name-(Dennis Lavant), acrobat hopeless, living in a Pont-Neuf in the process of remodeling, despite what its name suggests, is Paris's oldest bridge, plus the longer of the city, along with another bum, Hans (Klaus-Michael Gruber), decrepit trailing loss daughter and wife, and bear the keys that once opened the stability and now nothing but serve to hide the passage to the machinations of Morpheus winged, a cruel father for Alex - "Love is in the dormitory between currents air. Not your kind of life. "Spits the young man, the director weaves a history of marginalization, love, jealousy and other sufferings. Beginning with the hostel hyperrealist Nanterre, refuge of alcoholics unfortunate, hustler, demented, abusive and other characters worn, through the fireworks celebration of the bicentennial of the Republic, the criminal episode, Bresson-debtor who has already placed the Dostoevsky's White Nights on the same site in Quatre nuits d'un rêveur (Four Nights of a Dreamer, 1971) - and many others, the flames coming out of the mouth and hands of the sleepless, the candle that lights the Rembrandt self-portrait of a close to the decline in exchange for a pleasure dirty and treacherous, the drunk with cheap wine and smaller, and ended with a trip on the waters of the Seine that makes a mockery of the show the couple syrupy of lovers in the bow of the Titanic who manned James Cameron, Carax spent three years of effort, delirium, accident-the lazarillo Alex walks with a cast for a broken foot really, "the emotional connection had to be important, and considerable amount of public money, making him a target for darts and you would not just rebuild, in a megaescenario beside a lake near Montpellier, a replica of the real bridge when municipal permits without going extinct to conclude the story-arch bridge and balconies, real or fake, is home, and the tape is one of the many stories linking the fleeting and volatile ride earthly people to stones, buildings, architecture, "a film that becomes waste because there is no sequence in the projection that does not enclose a superlative sensitivity.
There are Les Amants du Pont-Neuf many of the ghosts and heroes of his head, his tics, right: from within the enclave, which had been part of the map of Alex-he always, always Dennis Lavant-in Boy meets girl (boy meets girl, 1984), a tribute to silent films, by the grace of the face of the actress, the circus and magic, dance, rhythm Mauvais sang Bowie here from Iggy Pop to rap track was subsequently Strauss is cast Bowie song: Time will crawl , and leave notes for Tarantino's coming, like the patina of hopelessness of the film serves as a basis for many subsequent musical works: verbigracia, some of videorealizador Jonathan Glazer for UNKLE and Massive Attack, "and wonderful earthly things that make fantasy: Michèle tears-now a warning for Julianne Moore Vanya on 42nd Street (Vanya on 42nd Street, 1994) - and conversely, if the French had come to the faces static and ice-cream would be a dream rediscovered quite different, but both there and in the subsequent drop in water bodies, Carax can pity and grants them a destination, a new life, becoming a god unable to expel Adam and Eve except to another paradise
Ambitious, esthetician, visual poet, postmodern, damn, exuberant child prodigy soon crowned king, all, other words, sometimes very little complacent, indeed, served to classify the unclassifiable Leo Carax, who worship the name of the cinema buff missing and can only regret that seems to say everything he had to say Les Amants du Pont-Neuf , the dazzling tale of beggars in search of tenderness.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
What Is Time Start F Tv Midnight Hot
Saturday, April 30, 2011
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Ernesto Sabato (Rojas, 1911 - Holy Places , 2011)
Friday, April 29, 2011
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1 .- Mudra:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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While television networks of half the world tomorrow morning as April 29 2011, not as synonymous or impossible-distant future, and press the next day, April 30, sure, "threatened with extra syrup and sugar, the wedding of the eldest son of the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland a commoner, the other girl either high aspirations among Windsor, note that I did not put "and" but "with", otherwise it would match their social positions, and that they have monarchies down to the streets I do not think so: "I remember another story reading for children in which the sad prince riding away from the palace to see if he would cure his harrowing journey through the lands of his father. Healing arrived to find a poor underling and beautiful, but big-hearted and full of goodness, who would make his wife, another story, another: just remember the Ius primae noctis, Norman Chrysagon see the Crue is infatuated Bronwyn the blonde in The war lord (Lord of War, 1965), F. Schaffner. The truth is that made choosing a partner, the trick to make the suitors to sleep on a pile of soft mattresses hiding a pea under them, contemporary occurrence of a distressed gentleman, always seemed more poetic. And it should be, because in our days is given over the vulgarity, as in the first fictional account and paper of this paragraph: if the Prince of Spain, sad after several failures and the negatives of their parents, turned on the TV and stumbled upon a news presenter dressed like a perfect girlfriend, the Briton goes and picks one that passed end there and the media looking mother who lost in an accident more than one egg to another egg, the time and meddlesome periodistillas will see to that hard.
As the world turns and people care about the lives of outsiders, the famous, the gladiators Nadal, Casillas and Alonso, and Federer, Messi and Hamilton, a-eme- that reminds me that the devil does not rest that companies have no place in old Europe, that layoffs are coming, life projects that are still truncating most of the time through no fault of self, nature, logic. And directs me to call that someone who until yesterday was traveling as if the world fit in his eyes and reason in his head, that terror is not always dressed in military clothing or communist star, just as happiness is not a dish pea or a husband with the crown in the closet. Another life that slides downhill and live a present that begins: Once upon a time there was ...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
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Monday, April 25, 2011
Tips For Anorexiabulimia
Black White Cow Pattern
Occasionally I have a conversation about college in Spain and science careers and offer my vision, now a little more perspective and from a perspective slightly different from previous years. Many people are surprised to hear that biology, environmental science, biochemistry and chemistry are racing with a high percentage of women while in physics and engineering is very low. Math, I believe, is in a happy and Aristotelian balance. In the wonderful
novel "Solar" by Ian McEwan, read:
"It was true, women Were underrepresented in physics and Had always been. [...] He Believes There were no longer any institutional barriers or prejudices. There were other branches of science where women were well represented, and some where they predominated. […] Although there were many gifted women physicists, it was at least conceivable that they would always remain in a minority, albeit a substantial one, in this particular field. There might always be more men than women who wanted to work in physics. There was a consensus in congnitive psychology, based on a wide range of experimental work, that in statistical terms the brains of men and women were significantly different. This was emphatically not a question of gender superiority, nor was it a matter of social conditioning, though of course it played a reinforcing role. These were widely observed innate differences in cognitive ability. In studies and metastudies, women were shown to have, on average, greater language skills, better visual memory, clearer emotional judgement, and superior mathematical calculation. Men scored higher in mathematical problem-solving and abstract reasoning and in visual-spatial awareness. Men and women had different priorities in life, different attitudes to risk, to status, to hierarchies. Above all -and this was the really striking difference, amounting to roughly one standard deviation, and the one to have been studied repeatedly- from early in life, girls tended to be more interested in people, boys more in things and abstract rules. And this difference showed in the fields os science they tended to choose: more Women in the life sciences and social sciences, more men in engineering and physics. "
Solar , Ian McEwan, 2010.
And, as always, after this passage to show M . (Qui genus humanum wit surplus) made me think very interesting, and philosophical at the same time, as a philosopher who is here for memory transfer jomentéis: Physics was written primarily by men and therefore has tools and approaches developed by men, but what would have happened if it was the physics developed by women? Would they have taken the principles of conservation other formulation? Would approaches, approaches, different assumptions, with other language-de same conclusion yet differently-?
We can not know. Does it? If many scientists get together and let the branches of science evolve by themselves (which would be from a modern point of view unthinkable) without man and his vision, how many generations or progress would be needed to perceive slight differences? The experiment is impossible, but now there are many women doing chemistry, maybe there conclusions can be drawn. Even if the final language is a mathematician may come to the same place, no doubt, that the same way (here M., and philosopher who is, has been very clever and has given a new twist to the reflection, that fails to make a leaping denial formal mathematical language but wondering if this approach is upon to explain natural philosophy).
This post is small but it was also noted in my mental notebook as "riding a faculty panel discussion on this issue."
not fail to read this vignette XKCD.
And finally a great event that made me start laughing when I saw the movie in the cinema:
"Catherine: It Does not fit me.
[about the dress]
Hal: Sure it does.
Catherine: You Can not Prove It.
Hal: I can disprove the Opposite. "
(Proof, 2005) Screen-play by David Auburn.
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to achieve with The verdict the perfection of the law shot a second time, Lumet was served by a lawyer named Frank Galvin (Paul Newman), rundown, white-haired, fond of waking up with a hangover, which insisted on fighting the Archdiocese of Boston and powerful cabinet Ed Concannon (James Mason) for "Deborah Ann Kaye against the hospital and doctors Catherine Robert S. Towner and F. Sheldon Mark. " Aided by a loyal and former partner, Mickey Morrissey (Jack Warden), and Laura Fischer (Charlotte Rampling), his latest conquest in a bar, Frankie search necessary witnesses, as Dr. Thompson (Joe Seneca), black and retired with a penchant for litigation, to prove that a woman who was having her third child at St. Catherine has spent four years in a vegetative state due to poor management anesthesia to achieve a victory over Goliath, beyond the compensation, then you soar. And he'll even do it with little appreciation of the sister and the brother of the victim, the husband left with little months ago, "Hoyle judge (Milo O'Shea), which deals with repetition and hard to put all type of legal obstacles, and the woman he had placed all their hopes. With witness last minute and a bleak end in victory, Frankie, exhausted in his chair, now with a coffee in hand - give up the pitchers of beer with egg, rounds of whiskey and jokes with friends in the pub, to the pinball games ?, will you need more eye drops and oral spray to disguise the ravages ethyl? - hear the phone ring again and again: pick it does not need to discover the identity of the viewer sees.
The case of medical error The verdict enjoying the slowness that Frankie does not grant its soothing drinks and blurs the screen of a nebula that makes you forget that it is nothing more that film, adapting a bestseller by Barry Reed, a lawyer in your day to day, by David Mamet, all a guarantee of solvency when talking about conspiracies, cunning and trickery. Good because of the drunkenness have that script, the containment of action and the absence of loud sounds and all sound track superfluous photography Andrzej Bartkowiak, who distances himself from the characters in outdoor activities and creates an alcoholic haze the interior, the church and a pervasive latent superb performances, among which is right to emphasize the figure faded, and the intense blue of a Paul Newman that, if ever fulfilled, here there was more than one interpretation justifying a lifetime. Character solved with a masterful understanding and sensitivity after being rejected by Robert Redford: An error that became an unexpected gift of who was without doubt his great friend in and out of office.
The verdict is the last time a film of judges and lawyers, courts and suspects, those in which you're thinking if we believe in justice or in law, was not accompanied by racing impossible thunderous shots and unbelievable twists and turns. And he did it with a bitter aftertaste, with the rage that brought the numbers written on the checks that buy the silence of traitors, knowing that the medicine is not administered by infallible beings, the church and charity are just necessary but not necessarily fair, which is above the dignity of all life. That thanks to Lumet and Newman, we referred to a case, but Case.
* In the book appears with the original title of Dogs day afternoon.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
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RPP News Source
Friday, April 22, 2011
Angel Bite Piercing Game
Source International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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are happening to me many ideas for posts. Probably do not concern anyone but that does not matter, fashion blogs is complete (earn social networks, which should not strive to write well but fast).
But as I keep taking my books under his arm mental (and I for the XXVII) as I have said this could be interesting resume.
brainstorming that I have is perhaps due to a turbulent time, I agree with what the engineer said in his post . It does not help that superphysical (a secret organization, linear and non-perturbative stochastic fighting powers and formed by a small group of symmetric wave function which is not trivial colalpso) are married. Or that the thesis is pressing forward with their publications ("Tell me and I'll tell you how much public vouchers).
other hand perhaps the psychologist opinion that if I speak of myself that's when more writing.
a physicist who gave me many books on physics by chance, stochastic, ergodic and with a very happy, he said, looking tenderly his extensive library, the fruit of many years of work, a person who reads a lot and then not write anything is not making good time, or at least he did not understood.
Well, not that I want to be very lyrical from now, but should, at least as an exercise, but I'll take this opportunity to mention some other writings and to justify my posts and make them larger.
on this new preamble to a new era of posts, I must say that a superphysical, eJ, recently said about my idea of \u200b\u200bresuming the activity blogger:
"open a blog is 2005. Keep is pure 2008. Close was the fashion in 2009 ... now takes the Vidt,
[...]" I'm not opening a Vidt. Nor do I close my blog. I myself read from time to time and I laugh at myself, but most relevant to the Engineer.
Such as. Re-started.'s going for you, Terron .
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
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Monday, April 18, 2011
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Fitness and Health
Sunday, April 17, 2011
What Color Does A Scorpio Man Like

How To Play Fireflies By Ron Pope On Piano
The scene belongs to Safety last! (Last!, 1923), Pathécomedy Directed by Fred Newmeyer and Sam Taylor, in which Harold Lloyd is the youngest of the people migrating to the big city with the intention to thrive and be able to offer his beloved (Mildred Davis), lost her father, a life without hardship. But once there, surrounded by skyscrapers and traffic devil, he discovers that the work is hard, like his as a dependent on fabrics and remnants section of department stores De Vore, who rush are many, and who pays it, if sufficient for fancies, a pendant to the desired, for example, fails to pay the rent. Faced with the sudden arrival of the bride to what she's supposed to be the section that directs the immigrant wanted, the young will have to improvise to dazzle. And with the fear of disappoint, when he hears his boss as one would pay $ 1000 to whom he offered a good idea to increase sales, is the perfect opportunity to fulfill their dreams hard cash: his roommate, Limpy Bill (Bill Strother), is a skilled climber and comes up with buildings that could gather a large crowd to see as it ascends to the roof of the establishment. To do this create the right climate, in the press announcing the exciting challenge of death which will carry out a mysterious man. In fact, after a troubled and dangerous climb, the building is crowned, but not the way dream: Bill runs chased by a policeman in the neighborhood, because of a previous mess-mate courtesy of hardships, Lloyd's character will be the executing risky and who found the reward of the lips on the upper terrace dream. (As a curiosity, note that the loving couple had married on February 10, 1923 and the tape was released on 1 April that year, so going through its most sweet, and founded a family with three children if it was not a model was due, among other eccentricities, to the fans of him photographing Bettie Page, Marilyn Monroe and other women light or free clothes: indeed, a parasite of exquisite taste for the female nude.)
Full of comical and beautiful, among which the massive sales on the anniversary of the stores, where he himself fights a duel with a client who lost his jacket for fear of being dismembered, and the fearsome climb of the building , where the danger comes in, and not by this order of appearance, canopy, fishing net, scaffold plank, failure of old, dove, dog, mouse, fragile flagpole, anemometer, eaves, ropes, and glorious!, the machinery of big wall clock high block of shops, Harold Lloyd had the idea, which developed the producer Hal Roach and writer Sam Taylor and Tim Whelan, at see climb to the top of a building in Los Angeles to Bill Strother, one of the many men then climbed spiders without fleeing poverty network. We now know that this stunt was magnificent double major player in the sequences where we see him from afar to carry out his daring plan and impossible close-ups in the body of actor-rimmed glasses seem ready to rush to vacuum-acrobat wearing shoes, true, but had lost his right thumb and index finger, and part of the mobility and strength in that arm during an accident in a shooting four years ago: almost nothing! - he actually had stopped the platform with mattresses that was off screen and served as the basis for the different sets that generated the optical illusion seems so real and dangerous that once caused a huge amount of rolling blackouts, the end of the climbing is more rapid and remarkable, though less plastic, which featured the famous moment in the first paragraph ", which led to some cinemas to hire nurses on duty, which increased the fame of the film and the actor's cache, which by then had been shot more than 150 titles, many of them with his character of Lonesome Luke.
also see today that Safety last! , a feat beyond ironic to note that the least important is protection, is a parody, a parable, a metaphor, career advancement, the speed of life in the city, where everything moves with the pace set the clocks, the hours were consumed quickly in those days of madness and debauchery were continuous roaring 20. From the start cheating, it seems that there is no hurry to hang our man, when we see the clerk to get to work early so that it might be the night watchman, a change is made and full racing irrepressible, desire fulfilled in the event viewer.
Yes, Safety last! missing a couple of minutes late, just to see how it was resolved, short-term, life overwhelmed Seller, if the two friends would not have to hang their coats on hangers to simulate their absence every time he entered the home to claim the rent, if the chain and pendant would look to match a wedding ring, if you hold a banquet at the restaurant menus to 50 cents for business, perhaps with the priest facing with complicity to the widow, if he would increase social dream ... But they were fast times, waiting for the next project. Although thanks to Harold Lloyd's ability to stop the audience watches, were also fun. And, as he would say, "Laughter is the most beautiful sound in the world" .