Incredible, but true. A study by the University of Valencia, Spain, found that "being next to an attractive woman, even for five minutes can be harmful to health ", published the news agency EFE.
According to the investigation "being around beautiful women significantly increased cortisol levels in men." The hormone cortisol, known as the stress hormone, increases production when the person is in emergency alert. Therefore, the health damage "caused" by the presence of an attractive female is summarized in increasing the likelihood of "heart disease, presenting an irritable personality and even suffer from depression," the study said.
Experiment brought together 84 young of 21 years who were asked to stay in a separate room. One by one waited in the room until a woman entered and sat in front of them five minutes. The study by the University of Valencia concluded that indeed there was a correlative relationship with the attractiveness of women and increased cortisol. Those who "were attracted by the lady showed higher levels of cortisol, while those who did not seem attractive maintained their regular level."
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