In cases of those who need to improve and tone the buttocks (most) must, improve exercise technique. the breathing technique and conduct a thorough nutrition program. Key factors for some butt-shaped and hard. But the reality is that many people do not achieve their goal due to: 1) use inappropriate techniques, 2) made a poor diet low in protein and complex carbohydrates, 3) does not give due importance to the breath and 4) in some cases used clothing, belts, creams, etc, all to raise ineffective and harden the buttocks. To tone the buttocks and improve we need to know your anatomy and what kind of exercises should be performed to obtain good results. The buttocks are in the back of the hip. From Anatomically, deep to the gluteal region is the hip joint or hip joint. It is a multiaxial joint, capable of movement in many directions. Are the buttocks, muscles around the hip joint.
The buttocks have a specific function, which is to maintain the erect posture of the body. Together they originate from the posterior aspect of the sacrum and coccyx, crossing the back of the hip joint and inserted into the greater trochanter of the femur (thigh bone), the gluteus maximus extending a bit up towards the linea aspera femur. The buttocks are muscles that abduct and extend the hip joint, especially when the hip is flexed. Therefore, any movement that involves extending the hip will work the glutes, quadriceps muscles and isquioibiales and depending on the year you make , the stimulus will be greater in some of them. Sources
Fitness and Health
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