are clinically called bedsores or pressure, a name that denotes that are caused by the pressure of certain parts of the body on a surface, today we present you with home remedies for pressure sores. These ulcers usually appear on areas where there is bone or cartilage, which may occur in the hips, knees (back), heel and shoulder, among others, is a condition that can be reversed if detected early, if not cured becomes a chronic skin lesion.
- Restricted activity due to confinement in bed, chair or wheelchair
- Inability to reposition itself as and when required or in case of discomfort
- Conditions causing moisture as bladder incontinence, loss of bowel control causes accumulation in the skin causing skin irritation
- Dehydration and poor nutrition are also major causes leading to malnutrition conditions of the skin and consequently the scars
- bedridden patients experienced decreases in the levels of consciousness mental account of the medications or other reasons and therefore not reaccionaninmediatamente the need to change positions and relieve uncomfortable position in bed or chair.
Home Remedies for pressure ulcers:
* If you have not appeared Ulcers
- Apply vitamin E oil on the skin and antiseptic powder used every 4 or 5 hours in the affected area to prevent the occurrence of ulcers.
* If you are the sores
- Put a poultice of honey in the area, to act as antibacterial.
- You can apply on the affected area: zinc oxide ointment, aloe vera, wheat germ oil or comfrey.
- Mix powdered comfrey leaves with elm leaf powder in equal amounts to form a paste, place in the area all night, holding it with a bandage.
- You can disinfect the area using echinacea powder and covering with cotton.
- Wash two or three times a day the area with witch hazel mixed with myrrh, and turmeric, is the most effective remedy for pressure ulcers.
Apply these simple remedies and see how pressure sores disappear. In this way the patient feel better and will not develop further complications.
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