"Poor diet, little exercise and increased sedentary lifestyle, which involves not play sports and have spent this time in front of the Internet, games or television, have more risk factors associated with the child and or adolescent is obese, "said Lozano. And is that obesity is no longer a disease of developed countries where it is considered an "epidemic", but also begins to manifest in developing countries like Peru. "In our country there between 17% and 20% of obesity in children, "he said.
"Of these children, 30% have more risk of adult chronic disease like diabetes or prediabetic states, cholesterol or triglycerides, cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, hypertension) or fatty liver," said the expert the subject. He indicated that chubby children are more paunchy are at the greatest risk for metabolic syndrome, a disease which includes conditions that increase cardiovascular risk, diabetes, abnormal lipids, cholesterol increased and trigiliceridos.
Main recommendations to prevent obesity in children:
1) Improving lifestyles on a diet without junk food or fried, increased fruit and vegetables, avoid soft drinks, energy drinks and canned or boxed juices in the amount of sugar to the child.
2) Exercising every day at least 30 minutes. Optimally scheduled to make a sport the boy you like, or walk more than half an hour, that does not include time for the game.
3) Reduce the hours of inactivity. The child is as maximum 2 hours of TV or Internet to date. 3 to 6 months after implementing these recommendations, the child improves your mood, develop the psychomotor, strengthens muscles and learn new skills by giving greater security.
Aftermath in obese children
- darker pigmentation on the back of the neck of the child. This is a sign of insulin resistance or is a pre-diabetic state
- pink stretch marks may notice an endocrinological problem.
- are children who advance puberty, but are smaller.
- They may have muscle bone diseases, spinal deformities, flat feet, genulbago (when the knees are opened).
Finally, Dr. Gaudi said Lozano is necessary to rule out obesity with the doctor and if an obese child should be evaluated by an endocrinologist.
Source Living Well
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