"I never expected that consumption of apples reduced bad cholesterol up to that point, at the same time increasing good HDL cholesterol by about four percent," he said in a statement Bahram Arjmandi, professor in the department science of nutrition, foods and exercise of Florida State University, in Tallahassee.Arjmandi was to present the findings Tuesday at the Experimental Biology meeting, Washington, DC The Department of Agriculture (USDA) provided partial funding to the study.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of USA. UU., Many foods can have an effect on cholesterol levels. Foods that contain saturated fats, trans fats and dietary cholesterol can increase levels of cholesterol, while foods with healthier fats like olive oil, could lower costs. Foods that contain fiber, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains can reduce cholesterol levels, while carbohydrates that are low in fiber tend to increase triglyceride levels and reduce levels of HDL cholesterol "good."
In the current study, researchers wanted to assess the long-term effect that consumption of apples may have on cardiovascular health. They recruited 160 women between 45 and 65. Women were randomly assigned to one of two groups of dietary intervention. One group received 75 grams of dried apples every day for a year and the other received prunes daily for a year. The daily portion of dried apples contain about 240 calories, according to the study. An apple contains about five grams of fiber, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. UU.
The researchers found that women who ate dried apples reduced their total cholesterol by fourteen percent. LDL cholesterol fell by 23 percent. Daily consumption of apple also significantly reduced C-reactive protein levels and lipid hydroperoxide, two substances that may indicate an increased risk of heart disease. The summary of the study did not mention whether the prunes had some effect on cholesterol levels.
The researchers theorized that the nutrients in apples may reduce inflammation in the body. Despite adding several hundred calories per day to the diet, women who ate apples did not gain weight during the study. In fact, lost a kilo and a half (3.3 pounds) on average.
Jessica Shapiro, registered dietitian, said the fact that women do not gain weight not surprised. The addition of apples to the diet probably made women feel more satisfied because the fiber content of the fruit, he said. "In many ways, the apples are fruits really incredible," said Shapiro, a clinical dietitian who advises heart patients at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. "One of the main reasons for the boom of the apples is the fiber. The apples have soluble and insoluble fiber. The insoluble found mostly in skin and pulp contains more soluble fiber.
"The flesh of an apple becomes a jelly-like substance, very viscous, which traps and removes cholesterol from the body. It's like a toothbrush on the nature and eliminates the bad things, "he said." Pectin is another positive aspect of the apples. Pectin is a substance used to make jams and preserves, and contributes to the viscosity of which passes through the body, giving volume to help eliminate it. Apples also contain many antioxidants and other natural components, "he said.
Shapiro said he would recommend a fresh apple instead of dried, as some nutrients probably lost in the process of deshidrataciĆ³nPero emphasized that there is a limit to what can be achieved with only healthy changes in diet, "Changing your diet can make a big difference, but a healthy diet is only part of it. When cholesterol is high, the diet may not be enough, "he said. "The genes predispose some people to have high cholesterol and a healthy diet may not be enough."
Shapiro also advised to make no change in drugs, including cholesterol-lowering drug without first consulting your doctor. He warned that dietary fiber should be increased gradually. That will help prevent bloating and gas that may occur if increased fiber intake too quickly. He noted that between 25 and 30 grams of fiber a day is the recommended intake, and suggested increasing the current intake in about five grams a day each week to give the body a chance to get used to get more fiber.
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