Friday, April 29, 2011

Wach Vietnames Movie Online

Beware of low-calorie diets (VLCD)

Despite the warning their risks, begin to detect a major use Very low calorie diets away from clinical settings, so that some people choose to follow this type of treatment without considering the risks involved. Sometimes the opportunity to implement them comes from a health professional who provides nutritional preparations and indicates the patient's form of administration, but monitors their progress on an outpatient basis. This option performs Dietary after meal replacement and not with food as such.

In most cases they are bars, syrups, soups, smoothies, etc. Which caloric intake is the limiting element and may compromise the safe intake of different nutrients. In a study published in 2006 in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, compared two different clinical interventions VLCD. One of them had a duration of three months, with 800 kcal / day, and one of only a month, much more restrictive, with 458 kcal / day.

The findings showed a better effectiveness and profitability of the first one and, more importantly, was more certain: to all participants in the intervention group than a month and followed a diet with fewer calories were diagnosed with fatigue and two patients had serious complications (transient ischemic attack and atrial fibrillation). A this adds a not unimportant question: price. The total cost of the intervention group a month was 3,018 euros, compared to EUR 582 for the group of three months at a rate of 800 kcal / day.

Consumer Source


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